Draw an Uncomfortable Chair

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Draw an Uncomfortable Chair

Remote friendly! Creative!

This is a fun game to loosen everyone up, and get them in a more creative mindset. Give everyone a marker and some plain office paper, and ask them to draw the most uncomfortable chair they possibly can.

How to do it

This icebreaker helps everyone to get into a more creative mindset, AND gets them to show a little bravery by drawing. Drawing can be unfamiliar to a lot of people, but it’s always interesting and insightful when people express themselves in pictures as well as words. Emphasise to your group that this isn’t about drawing ability; it’s about using simple drawing to show your ideas, in ways that words can’t do alone.

Give everyone a marker and some plain office paper, and ask them to draw the most uncomfortable chair they possibly can. This is a way to stimulate creativity, by helping people to free themselves up from being hung up about being right all the time. Get everyone to share what they drew.

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