Everyone takes turns going around the group, answering a “Would You Rather” question of two alternatives.
How to do it
This is a classic game for around a campfire, but also works well as an icebreaker or energiser in meetings. As the facilitator, pose a “Would You Rather” question for everyone to answer, such as:
- Would you rather go on a hike, or go shopping?
- Would you rather never use social media again, or never watch another movie or TV show again?
- Would you rather have a horrible short term memory, or a horrible long term memory?
- Would you rather only have summer, or winter for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have the ability to swim underwater without needing to breathe, or fly?
If you only have a few minutes to do an icebreaker, you as the facilitator can ask the question, and everyone takes turns answering it. But if you have more time on your hands (and not too many people in the meeting) each person can ask their own “Would You Rather” question to the person on their right; that person then answers, and then poses a new question.
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