Everyone draws a shield showing their superpower, something that is an inspiration to them, and a personal value.
How to do it
This icebreaker helps everyone get to know each other better, AND gets them to show a little bravery by drawing. Drawing can be unfamiliar to a lot of people, but it’s always interesting and insightful when people express themselves in pictures as well as words.
Emphasise to your group that this activity has nothing to do with drawing ability; this is all about drawing simple ideas, not drawing for art, or likes on Instagram. It’s a good idea if you do the activity beforehand, and show them your coat of arms, to model the sort of thing you’re expecting from them.
Ask everyone to grab a marker and a piece of paper (A3 is better for larger groups), and give them 5 minutes to draw a shield with a line down the middle of it, with these 3 things:
- On one side of the middle line, draw something that represents their superpower
- On the other side, draw something that is an inspiration to them
- Along the bottom, write a personal value
Source: Thiagi Group
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