You can get a vibe from your group about the topic you’re about to discuss by asking everyone to come up with one word that describes where they’re at with that topic.
How to do it
This warmup activity is also a useful way to get everyone connected to the context of a meeting’s topic. It gets everyone in the right mindset for what’s to come. Go around the room and ask everyone to offer their one-word description. It’s important that everyone just says one word, and then passes to the next person. No discussion! You can discuss once everyone has said their word.
For example, say you’re facilitating a meeting all about your organization’s culture. You could ask everyone to share one word that describes the organization’s existing culture, or how the feel towards the existing culture.
If you have a large group, split the group into pairs or threes, and give them a few minutes to discuss together one word that describes the topic/theme that they’re about to engage in. After the time allowed, bring everyone back together again, and ask a spokesperson from each group to share their one word back to the group.
This is also a quick way to introduce the mindset and behaviour of having to work together to a common outcome, especially if there are going to be more activities involving consensus and decision-making.
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