Everyone introduces themselves in a more creative way by using a random object that they have to pull out of a bag.
How to do it
This is a simple get-to-know-each-other icebreaker with a creative twist. You’ll need to prepare a (non-see-through) bag of smallish random objects. Office supplies like a stapler or sticky tape are a start, but it’s much better if you have fun unexpected things like a small fluffy toy, an action figure, little carved animals, a cue ball, a seashell, and so on.
Ask your group to take turns introducing themselves by saying their name, and what they do. The twist is that they have to pull an object at random from the bag, and describe what they do by including that object somehow. Example: “I’m a designer (picks out a Transformer toy), so I guess I find myself using one set of skills with other designers, but then having to transform myself and use another set of skills when talking with senior stakeholders”.
It will definitely help the flow of this icebreaker if you model the behaviour you’re after, and go first.
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